Spirited Musings

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Little Blue Marble, where are you....?

Poor little man, my youngest, DS2, tries so hard to be the experimenter, the daredevil, and more times than not he ends up either hurting himself or pissing someone off. Sighhh, genius is soooooooooo misunderstood.......His latest experiment? Let's see what happens when you drop a marble in your mouth from up above....wait for it.....(can YOU predict the end to this one?).....yep you are right, he swallowed it, with a loud gulp that caused me and big brother to turn around and find out where the noise was coming from, especially since he was standing next to the fish tank at the time. "Oh yuck, that was gross, I didnt want to do that..." were just some of the phrases out of his mouth as soon as he realized that spitting was not going to work anymore. His last wail? "That's why we dont put those things in our mooouuuuthhhhh!" Uhhhh.....yep....hit it right kid! In seriousness, he is just fine and, though he cried himself to sleep for a nap (and is currently still up making up stories with his Thomas the Tank Engine characters), he now waits not so patiently for it to come out the other end.

He has been assured by his mom (me) and dad, big brother, and big sister (and even the store checker at the local market) that we have all swallowed things about the same size at about the same age and lived to tell the tale......I wont bother to update you all if it all goes well.....


At 11:51 PM, Blogger lachen said...

Let me just say this is one story ending I do not want the details on.

Yuck. I am so worried, as my son is right behind yours and if genetics are any indication, we are in BIG trouble. :)


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