Spirited Musings

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Ummm....creepy movie?

Ok for those of you who have seen "The Day After Tomorrow", I have a little story. The first time we watched this movie, we woke up the next day to the tsunami in Sumatra. The next time I watched it alone, still we ended up with massive rains, and incurred mudslides and road damage (yeeha Southern California!). We haven't watched the movie since. Not out of fear but by sheer coincidence. Noting this tonight before watching the movie again, we are waiting to see what happens next.....I'll let you know how it turns out.....

Saturday, April 16, 2005

DVD stands for what?

My family rents from Blockbuster on a fairly regular basis, well semi-regular, like maybe once every couple months. We have rarely ever had problems with the rentals being in bad condition, you know scratches or finger prints (totally cleanable). We rented four movies tonight - two for kids and two for us adults in the house. Kids made it thru first movie (a short Scooby Doo cartoon) and were trying to watch second,when one of them came into garage where I was talking to DH and informed me that the "stupid DVD doesnt work"! Huh?
Went in and turns out the DVD is skipping and jumping (we have one of those players with the errrr... progressive scan, looks for the nest good part). IT WAS VERY BADLY SCRATCHED, and I watched my oldest DS put them in carefully. So I take it out and jump in car to Blockbuster, who was most apologetic, and get it swapped for a new non-scratched one. All is well until DH comes in from trying to watch one in garage (yes a DVD/TV/Audio set up in the garage! go figure.....) and says his movie is doing it too. Upon examination, it turns out that there are not only fingerprints, but what looks like cola fizz drops and also, you guessed it, scratches. SO checked the last one, yep, scratched too - one big honking line right thru the middle of the DVD where the actual info is.
By this time it is 10:30pm, but the store is open til midnight. So I head back for a 3rd time, having already called to warn them I am coming, and DH heads for bed (after trying to convince me to stay home and do it tomorrow - nope better to hit same crew).
When I get to store and show guy on duty, he just shakes his head in disbelief - what are the odds we got 3 out of 4 damaged DVDs? So we try a mini-experiment and grab 3 more of each movie.
Guess what? 3 out of 4 copies of the movies are so badly scratched that he sits them aside so they wont go back into circulation.
What do people do with these Dvds when they rent them?! The answer from Blockbuster worker dude? "Oh you know, use them for cup coasters, they fling them down wherever, sand or not." And apparently leave them next to a newly opened, fizzing soda can. Sheesh... One even apparently looked like it had water damage.
SO if anyone out there has any ideas what DVD stands for please let me know......because apparently it is not Digital Video Disc!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Birthing A New World

I am quite frequently astounded at what comes out of my 7 yr old DS's mouth, both the good and the bad. Along with the requisite "poopy-head" and "pee-pee-face" (much to mommy's chagrin and requiring a stern look) usually directed at his siblings, he utters things out of the blue that generally cause me to stop and do a double-take. I am sure they are not out of the blue for him; they have probably been swirling around in his brain for some time before they reach my ears.
His latest? Watching a show on Science Channel about the rise and fall of dinosaur eras, "When an old world dies off, the earth gives birth to a new world." My response? " Uhhhh, yeah..." No question about it, just a sure uttering from his point of view.
Does anyone know if this is normal? I wonder if my other two will exhibit the same philosophical tendencies. I guess I will have to wait and see....

Popping out of the Snow Like Daisies?

My kids are addicted to "Mulan" and I am sure "Mulan II" if we had it. They watch it every day, sometimes more than once, and then again around bedtime. Then they go around uttering phrases such as "they popped out of the snow, like daisies" and "let's go kick some Hunny-bun" (if you have never seen this movie, you really must - the character of Mushu is a hoot!). Even my 7 yr old DS stops to watch inbetween other things he does (esp the battle parts I admit with a cringe - but then again hey its Disney not Braveheart). On the flip side to all this, I think even I have the movie memorized, including the songs (all versions), which entertains the kids when they are now sick listening to mommy try to sing along.